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Marketing News - What happened this week?

Looming threat of inflation drives consumer expectations down

The latest GfK Consumer Confidence Index has seen consumer expectations for the UK’s general economic prospects drop by 6 points, reflecting new inflation fears. 

Will mobile commerce soon be the dominant form of e:commerce - and what does this mean for sustainability?

As e-commerce increases in popularity, so does its environmental impact (packaging, deliveries, returns of online purchased goods). The Drum explores whether mobile commerce might offer a new, more sustainable way for businesses to behave - read more here.  

Most UK consumers don't mind their personal data being used by companies

Ad specialist A Million Ads and research company Attest recently found that up to 61% of UK consumers are happy for companies to use their personal data to personalise ads and offers for them. 

Green themes set to dominate marketing agendas for the rest of 2021

GlobalData reported that telco marketing agendas are set to be focused on green themes and sustainability for the rest of the year, pointing to Vodafone’s commitment to powering its entire European operations from 100% renewable sources as an example.

Covid has offered models of flexible working that can be used long after the pandemic ends

The Covid pandemic has shown that flexible working is indeed possible. PepsiCo offers a model for this mode of working that could transform the workplace post-Covid. 

How should marketers be preparing for 5G?

5G is just around the corner, bringing with it new marketing and recruitment opportunities. Now is the time for brand marketers to make sure that they’re up to speed - here is everything you need to know


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